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Purchase Order

A formal document issued by a buyer to a supplier requesting the delivery of specified products or services. It details quantities, prices, and delivery conditions, and serves as a contractual agreement between the two parties.


Records of transactions related to a product, including entries, exits, and transfers. These records are essential for maintaining accurate inventory control and tracking the flow of goods within the system.

Invoice Files

An API endpoint that enables the attachment of files, such as PDFs or images, to an invoice. This functionality allows users to store and reference important documentation alongside their billing records.


Variables that are passed as input to an API endpoint to modify its behavior. For instance, the GET Invoices endpoint uses from and to parameters to define the date range for querying specific invoices.


JSON objects containing the data that an API endpoint processes. For example, the POST Invoices Mex Accounted endpoint receives detailed invoice data within its inputs to create new invoice records.


Data structures in JSON format composed of key-value pairs that represent entities. For instance, a purchase order is represented as an object with fields such as purchaseOrder, productId, and quantity.


A data structure consisting of a collection of elements, each identified by an index. In API endpoints, arrays are used to group multiple objects, such as "inputs": [...] which may contain a list of items to be processed.

A section of a JSON object that contains metadata or general information relevant to the entire object. For example, an invoice may have a header section with details like the invoice number, date, and billing address.


A section within a JSON object that provides item-specific information. For instance, in an invoice, the details section would include a list of purchased products, quantities, and prices.


A specific URL that exposes an API or web service functionality. Endpoints are used to perform various operations, such as retrieving data or submitting requests, and are essential to the implementation of API use cases.


A command-line tool used for making HTTP requests to test and interact with APIs. It is commonly used in API documentation examples to demonstrate how to invoke endpoints and send requests.

Query Parameters

Parameters included in the URL query string that are used to filter or modify the results of an API request. For example, query parameters in the GET Invoices endpoint can be used to specify date ranges for filtering invoice records.


The body of an HTTP request that is sent to an API endpoint, typically containing data in JSON format. This data is processed by the endpoint to perform the requested operation, such as creating or updating records.


The data returned by an API endpoint after processing a request. Responses typically include the results of the operation, such as the requested data or confirmation of success, along with any relevant error codes.