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Welcome to the AppliQloud API

The AppliQloud APIs are designed to transform and optimize your company's business processes, providing you with a robust and secure platform that facilitates direct and efficient interaction with your business partners. Our APIs cover a wide range of critical functionalities, allowing you to automate, integrate, and manage different aspects of your business operations in a centralized and hassle-free manner.

Key Features and Functionalities

1. Business Partner Management

Our business partner creation and modification API (POST /pic/link/business-partners/create and PUT /pic/link/business-partners/update) allows you to easily add and update the details of business partners interacting with your platform. This process is carried out through a structured JSON that includes key details such as name, external identifier, and business partner types. Example:

curl --location 'https://<identifier>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <token>' \
--data '{
"inputs": [
"externalId": "1245"
"name": "AppliQloud"
"email": ""
"identification": "COMPANY"
"businessPartnerTypeIds": [
"firstName": "Juan"
"lastName": "Pérez"
"email": ""

2. Purchase Order Automation

The API for creating and managing purchase orders (POST /pic/link/purchase-orders/create) allows you to automate and centralize the procurement process, ensuring that all orders are processed efficiently and with the correct information. This includes integration with existing ERP systems to ensure that order data is automatically recorded and updated.

3. Goods Receipt Management

With our API for registering received goods (POST /pic/link/goods-receipts/create), you can ensure that all merchandise entries are accurately documented, linking receipts directly to the corresponding purchase orders. This API also allows you to store files associated with received goods, such as test documents or images, ensuring full control over inventory and quality.

curl --location 'https://<identifier>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <token>' \
--data '{
"inputs": [
"header": {
"goodsReceiptId": "43000001"
"purchaseOrderId": "450000001"
"locationId": "MX-LOC"
"storageId": "ST1"
"receiptDate": "2024-08-09"
"goodsReceiptFileKey": "goods-receipts/d6963433-6d75-4ea6-a7b5-0596546e767f.jpg"
"items": [
"itemId": "0"
"purchaseOrderItemId": "10"
"quantity": 3
"unitId": "EA"

4. Payment and Invoicing Management

Our invoice payment registration API (POST /pic/link/invoice-payments/create) facilitates the reconciliation of payments with specific invoices, helping reduce errors and ensuring that transactions are recorded accurately and promptly. Additionally, you can update invoice status, manage cancellations, and obtain a detailed history of all operations performed.

curl --location 'https://<identifier>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <token>' \
--data '{
"inputs": [
"paymentId": "6000098"
"purchaseInvoiceId": "2001"
"paymentDate": "2024-08-09"
"amount": 12500.0
"currencyId": "USD"

Use Cases

Automation and Operational Efficiency

AppliQloud APIs are designed for companies looking to reduce operational workload through automation. For instance, a company managing large volumes of orders and suppliers can integrate our APIs to automate the creation of purchase orders, receipt of goods, and invoice reconciliation, significantly reducing processing time and minimizing manual errors.

ERP System Integration

AppliQloud APIs enable native integration with leading ERP systems like SAP, ensuring that all information related to orders, inventories, and payments is synchronized and accessible from a single point. This is especially useful for companies already using an ERP but needing to enhance their communication and automation processes with external partners.


The AppliQloud APIs provide you with the tools necessary to transform the way you manage your business operations. From creating and updating business partners to managing payments and receiving goods, our APIs are designed to offer you a seamless, secure, and fully integrated experience with your existing systems. By choosing AppliQloud, you choose a platform that adapts to your needs, helping you scale your business efficiently and securely.