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Transform your business, one solution at a time



AppliQloud is designed to be highly intuitive, enabling anyone to use it to its fullest potential, regardless of their role or technological experience.



The web portal allows you to fully customize your environment to align with your company's visual identity.



AppliQloud Link allows you to create, read, update, and delete resources in AppliQloud through an intuitive REST API, with comprehensive documentation and complete examples for both requests and responses



AppliQloud is designed to comprehensively manage any business process, enabling the direct integration of your strategic partners into the operational workflow.



The system is designed to integrate with your existing ERP, building a complex network that manages your business processes precisely according to your company's specific needs.



We focus on developing innovative applications that streamline every business process. AppliQloud is continuously updated to provide you with full access to each new application.

Compatible with any external system

AppliQloud is designed to be an all-inclusive platform that integrates seamlessly with any business management system so that we can work together in transforming your enterprise.

Whether you use SAP S/4HANA®, NetSuite®, Microsoft Dynamics 365®, Oracle ERP®, or any other ERP system, AppliQloud is able to connect with it to sync data in real time and use both systems to the best of their abilities. We have global partners that specialize in integrating AppliQloud with your current business process flow.

Microsoft Dynamics

Get Started With AppliQloud Standalone

AppliQloud Standalone offers an intuitive and easy to use web portal to manage your business resources. You will need to log into the web portal when you first use AppliQloud in order to set up your environment.

You can enter AppliQloud Standalone by accesing the link associated with your company identifier in the following way.

https://<your identifier here>

Learn more about setting up your environment and moving around the standalone platform in the docs section.

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Build complex systems with AppliQloud Link

AppliQloud offers a group of REST API endpoints in a modality known as AppliQloud Link that allows you to create resources from any external system. You can build applications in SAP S/4HANA®, NetWeaver and more that communicate with AppliQloud to build a tailor-made solution for your enterprise.

Read the backends section in the documentation or head over to the API reference in order to learn more about these endpoints

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Straight to the point

Our tutorials are made with specific processes in mind. Whether you need to create a theme, or manage your invoices, there will be a tutorial just for you.

Easy to follow

The short tutorials are made with accesibility in mind, keeping the process simple to make them easy to follow along.